Parenting Never Ends
Parenting Is a Lifelong Journey. What could be more important than being one of God’s tools to form a human soul? This is the high and holy calling of every mom and dad—a lifelong journey that doesn’t conclude when your child leaves the home.
How We Got The Bible
As God's written Word, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are the source of His revelation to man. Learn about the production, collection, transmission, and preservation of these marvelous works in How We Got The Bible.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
You’ll discover a transformative roadmap for discipleship with Jesus. We’ll unveil what's wrong with our current definition of "spiritual growth" and learn 7 steps to change that will help you experience authentic faith and hunger for God.
SED Lay Deacon Program
Are you interested in exploring a new opportunity to serve God in ministry? The SED Lay Deacon Training Program is designed to equip and empower men and women for Kingdom service within CCOH and beyond.
Mission Partner Class
Interested in taking the next step at CCOH? we invite you to join us as a Mission Partner - which is becoming an official member of CCOH.
Baptism Class
Baptism is a gift from God where He brings us forgiveness and new life. We believe it's for all people: babies, kids, and adults.